Monday, February 22, 2010

Group of Historical Anthropolgy of Western Europe, Paris

The GAHOM has been created by Jacques Le Goff 30 years ago. The team dedicated to the studies of Exempla has elaborated 4 databases :

- BIBLIEX (BIBLIography about EXempla) is an international bibliography about medieval Exempla with about 3000 references, 2 updates each year. We are pleased to receive new references and even off prints.

- ThEMA (Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii Aevi) is an index of around 8000 exempla, from 46 collections of exempla mainly in Latin, but also in old French, Middle English, Toscan, Spanish and Catalan. People all around the world can index at the same time for ThEMA as it is a collaborative database. For each exemplum, you can find a memento about the collection and its author, a summary, keywords, sources, bibliography, translations, references in repertories, such as Index Exemplorum by F. C. Tubach. The keywords are in French, English, Deutch, Spanish and Italian and the queries can be adressed in these languages, but the summaries of exempla are mainly in french.

- ReLEX (Ressources on Line about EXempla) : is a kind of portal to indicate tools of research, databases and collections of exempla (old editions and manuscripts), available on the Web, some have been digitized by the team.

- CEL (Caire de Heisterbach on Line) : is a digitized edition of Caire of Heisterbachs Dialogus miraculorum, J. Strange, 2 vol., 1851. Queries in full text are available.

If you have any question or information, please, contact us :

Posted by: Polo de Beaulieu (

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