Sunday, February 2, 2014

11th Annual Marco Symposium at UT, Knoxville - March 6-8, 2014

The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is pleased to announce the 11th Annual Marco Symposium, “Reconceiving Pre-Modern Spaces,” March 6-8, 2014, on the UT campus.
This year’s Symposium addresses the rich ways in which pre-modern peoples conceived of space: as physical reality, philosophical idea, and topic of artistic expression. The Symposium will be engaged with recent scholarship on landscape, urbanism, geography, cartography, soundscape, and ecocriticism, which all variously acknowledge how realities and readings of space fundamentally shaped the lands, populations, and cultures of late antique, medieval, andrenaissance peoples.
Invited speakers include Benjamin Anderson (Cornell University), Ellen Arnold (Ohio Wesleyan University), Matthew Canepa (University of Minnesota), Megan Cassidy-Welch (Monash University), Margot Fassler (University of Notre Dame), Gregor Kalas (University of Tennessee), Louisa Mackenzie (University of Washington), Craig Monson (Washington University in St. Louis), Ricado Padrón (University of Virginia), and John Wall (North Carolina State University).
Diane Favro, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA, will present the keynote address, “Bricks into Marble: Reverse Engineering Augustan Rome,” on March 6 at 7:00 p.m. A reception in Hodges Library will follow.
Please see attached and contact or 865-974-1859 for further information.


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