Thursday, July 30, 2015

Technical Communications in the Middle Ages

Kalamazoo 2016 #Kzoo2016

CFP, ICMS ("Kalamazoo") 2016: Technical Communications in the Middle Ages
Scholars have long recognized Chaucer’s “Treatise on the Astrolabe” as an early technical document, yet few similar medieval texts have been discussed as specimens of technical communication. This session seeks to consider the traditions and conventions of medieval technical communication, as well as the connections between medieval and contemporary technical writing.
Possible texts for consideration might include (but are not limited to) penitential and conduct manuals, monastic rules, business correspondence, medical treatises, scientific and pseudo-scientific manuals (including alchemical and astrological ones), cookery books, law codes, and government and military documents. Papers should consider the texts as technical communication, but may focus either on any aspect, including writing, layout, design, etc.
Please send abstracts and participant information forms via e-mail to Wendy Hennequin ( by September 15.

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